Friday, January 8, 2010

Possible Exam Essays

There is another copy of these possible essays on Edmodo.

Essay #1

The Federal Reserve System of the United States

Take a moment to outline your thoughts. Make a graphic organizer to help you get started. In this essay I want you to discuss these items:

What is the FED?
Who is the head of the FED?
What is the FED’s essential mission?
Identify the three (3) main responsibilities of the FED and thoroughly explain them.
Finally, how does the FED control for inflation and recession?

Essay #2


Develop an essay that explains:
·       What money is?
·       Why we use money?
·       What is the money supply?
·       The characteristics of money.
·       The types of money we use today.
·       Finally, why isn’t money equally exchangeable around the world?
Essay #3

What is the government’s role in our economic system?

There were four areas that you learned in which the government plays an important part (is providing something, acts as a watchdog, etc…). In your notes, the day we discussed them, we labeled them A, B, C, and D. Please explain the four different and important responsibilities our government has in our economy and please explain with details we discussed from notes and class.

Essay #4

A Free Market Economy vs. A Planned Economy

This essay is about Comparing and Contrasting the Command and Free Market Economic Systems. To complete this essay successfully you will need to explain the ideology (fundamental principles or ideas) of each of these systems. There should be a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each. Also, you should include examples of countries that lean towards each. Be sure to tie in examples from class (ex. The Rumanian revolution of 1989 that we watched video about).

Essay #5

Investment Portfolio Manager

You work for an important investment bank. Your job title is Investment Portfolio Manager. This means your job is to talk to people about the different ways they can invest their hard earned money and plan for their future. A young couple walks into your office and sits down. They are ready to come up with a plan for their future and very interested in what you have to say. Please explain the different options the couple has to save and invest. This will include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money markets, certificates of deposit, and traditional savings accounts. Explain what each is and the possible advantages and disadvantages of each.

Essay #6

Karl Marx and Adam Smith

Two men who spent a lot of time thinking about economics. Both were writers and were very influential in their time and even now in regards to their economic beliefs and theories. Develop an essay that contains the following information:

brief biographical sketch (brief history of the person)of each man
economic ideas and theories each had
books they wrote to spread their ideas
economic system each is closely linked with